Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Free Copy of "Debt Free For Life" by David Bach- ONE DAY ONLY!

Debt Free For Life: The Finish Rich Plan for Financial Freedom
David Bach is my favorite money guru. I have read quite a few of his books. The Automatic Millionaire is actually the book that inspired us to buy our home at the age of 23. David has a way of making a book about finances interesting. I never thought I would be interested in a book like that, but I read the first book all in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. I was amazed at all the simple, doable, step by step advise he gave. David makes managing your finances simple. I highly recommend his books. 

Are you ready to get out of debt once and for all? DEBT FREE FOR LIFE gives you a plan to pay off your credit cards, student loans, mortgage debt, car loans- and be out of debt for life! 

For ONE DAY ONLY, David is giving away a FREE copy of his newest book Debt Free for Life. The retail price of the hard copy of his book is $19.99. All day on January 5, 2011, you can download it FREE to your computer or cell phone!

Ready to get 'Debt Free'? Just click the image below to download a free copy of David's new book straight to your desktop. Then, you can read it at your leisure and let his tips work for you!

Here are some of my favorites books by David Bach:

   The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich          Start Over, Finish Rich: 10 Steps to Get You Back on Track in 2010      Smart Women Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams (Revised Edition)

The Finish Rich Workbook: Creating a Personalized Plan for a Richer Future (Get out of debt, Put your dreams in action and achieve Financial Freedom      Smart Couples Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Creating a Rich Future for You and Your Partner   Fight For Your Money: How to Stop Getting Ripped Off and Save a Fortune

The Automatic Millionaire Workbook: A Personalized Plan to Live and Finish Rich. . . Automatically     Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying    The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner: A Lifetime Plan to Finish Rich in Real Estate

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