Sunday, February 13, 2011

$10 Target Gift Card for Prescription Transfer

You can find a coupon in this week's Target ad for getting a FREE $10 Target gift card for a new or transferred prescription. I transfer my monthly prescription to a different pharmacy every month to take advantage of these types of deals. Read more here about how I get FREE gift cards every month by transferring prescriptions.

Are you a fan of Home Sweet Frugal Home on Facebook yet? Become a fan to be the first to see deal alerts and you'll also receive exclusive Facebook Only deal alerts. Click Here to find us on Facebook. Make sure to hit Like at the top of the page and you will be entered in our Giveaway for a FREE $50 Target Gift Card!


  1. me and my mom need a target prescription coupon but all the ones that we find are expired like this one. Please try to get a non expired prescription and my mom would be happy!!! thanks

  2. I actually saw one in this week's Target ad! It expires April 18, 2011. Not sure if this one is just a regional deal, but check your ad and see! If you don't have one in your ad, I'm not gonna use mine by then. I'd be happy to stick it in the mail to you. You can email me your mailing address directly to Hope it helps!

  3. "Stick it in the mail" costs 44 cents. Your generosity is bigger than your frugality!
